Subhan Allah:.
Americana wrote: "If the Muslims stopped implementing the Tawhaf or prayers on this earth, we would have stopped the rotation of our earth, because the transition from super conductors centered in Hajar Aswad, no longer dispersed electromagnetic waves.
According to the results of research from 15 universities, Hajar Aswad is a meteor stone that has a very high metal content, which is 23,000 times that of steel. Some astronauts who see very bright light from the earth and after being sourced from the temple or the Kaaba. The super conductor is Hajar Aswad, which functions as a broadcast microphone and reaches miles of broadcast.
Prof. Lawrence E. Yoseph - Fl Whiple wrote: "Indeed, we owe a great debt to the Muslims, because the tawaf and prayers are on time according to the super conductor.
"Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Laa Illaha illallah, Allahu Akbar. How thrilled our hearts are to see the enormity of the Hajj and Umrah movements.
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"Subhan Allah"